Be The Best In Your Industry!

Kevin Graham speaking on what it takes to be the best in your industry!

Kevin Graham speaking on what it takes to be the best in your industry!

Be the Best In Your Industry!

There are many paths to top of the mountain and here’s a mental one that I’d like you to try.

Simply put, I want you to see yourself as the #1 rep in the industry. Granted, you may be at the very bottom but work with me a minute and you’ll soon be outperforming the masses. 

Successful selling is about being connected with your prospect, providing value, leading change and being committed to getting results.

But who do you think you are?

Well, I’m here to tell you that if you embrace a vision of yourself as #1 in the industry, you’ll start to perform better.

 It’s like Jim Cathcart says in The Acorn Principle: “How would the person I’m about to become, do the thing I’m about to do?”

If you orient from that perspective, that somehow you actually are the best sales professional in your industry, you’ll begin to see things from a different perspective. As soon as you give your mind a goal or objective, it immediately begins plotting toward that end…. consciously and unconsciously.

Let’s say I’ll give you $1,000 if you can get your haircut in the next hour? What happens? You immediately begin thinking of ways that you can immediately get your haircut, don’t you.

That’s because, as soon as you give your mind a goal or objective, it immediately begins plotting toward that end…. Consciously and unconsciously. 

Do yourself a favor, every time you walk into the office at work, say to yourself allowed:
“I’m the best sales professional this industry has ever seen.” 

That simple little trick, will trigger your mind and soon you’ll be performing like a super star. Like everything else, it all starts with a vision.

Convince yourself that you can be the best in the industry and you’ll start acting like it, and that will drive results.

You can be the best sales professional in your industry! 

This article was written by Kevin Graham, who has a long track record of aggressive revenue growth, new logo signings, strategic wins and many President’s clubs - within leading brands in the ultra competitive technology sector.

Kevin serves as Managing Director of Empowered Sales and President of Video for Business Growth.

Kevin Graham speaks regularly for corporate clients looking to get better performance from their sales teams, and he offers programs to empower video success, too.

Contact Kevin Graham at 888.402.1117 or to empower sales success or collaborate on video for business growth!